
Monday 23 December 2013

Top 10 Worst Addictions

1. Alcohol
Alcohol is worst addiction of all kind of bad things which people are addicted at, alcohol is a real killer because except of damaging the person who uses it by shorting his or her life it also damages others near of them. Alcohol is not only because it destroys organs of those who use it but alcohol also influences on mind and ability to think of person who uses it. Thousands of accidents are caused because of alcohol and also many fights starts because one or more of participants in fight had consume alcohol. Alcohol is also one of biggest silence killers, every year dies 2.5 million people because of alcohol.

2. Smoking
Cigarette is also one of biggest silence killers of modern times, smoking same as alcohol damages people who consume it and people who are near of them, it has a bad effect on pregnant women and when is being consumed near of children. They say that smoking damages more those who are in presence of people who smoker then smokers it's self. For the bad luck smoking has been turned into something modern for teenagers, pretending to look elder, a high number of teens smoke, without knowing the bad effects of cigarettes. Smoking can cause cancer on lungs and breathing organs, causes bad smell of mouth and also breaks teeth. In worldwide tobaccos kill around 5 million people per year, twice more than alcohol. Smoking is a bad addiction and very difficult to be left, because of nicotine which is a drug.

3. Gambling
Addiction on games which might be from sports to casinos  is also one of most worst addictions, many people got ruined because of their addiction on gambling. Many people throw away their money down to their last coin on horseraces, soccer, football, basketball or casinos. Gambling is so bad, most of gamblers who started it as a game just to try it have end up with destroyed family, without house and surely broke. By a simple sense of judging, if gambling would be created for players to win then creators wanted to throw their money, something which is not right at all because the only winners on gambling are those who owns them. Gamblers does not really win on games, no matter how much they won last time will return again to lose them all. Another bad effect of gambling is that delivers those who practice it into alcohol, smoking and sometimes drugs.

4. Drugs
Drugs are another thing which some people are addicted at, mostly are in poor countries where they can be found with a cheap price, but also many rich people like actors result that are regular drugs takers. Teenagers and poor people are more risked to fall into drugs, teens because they are not informed well about bad effects of drugs which if are taken in a big quantity may cause death, and poor people who are desperate because of their economical situation fall on trap of drugs which make them permanently forget their problems of their real life.

5. Food
Food even is one of most principal things which everyone must take in regular time is also one of most biggest addictions. Many people suffer because of their weight, if some people had choose alcohol, smoking or drugs some people find their self at food. Eating much food every time they are feeling bad or are depressed makes them to have a heavy weight which might be fatal for their life.

6. Internet
The last technology is all based into internet connection, even in poor countries more then 50% of population uses internet everyday, in rich countries this number is much more higher. Internet has multiple options to be used, starting by search engines, social medias, chat messengers etc... Everyone of those who uses internet has a doubled life, a life in real and another one in internet, giving always more time at internet life which is taken from real life will make these people's life pass short without enjoying the real life. Internet eats our life, and this is a true fact which none can stand against, not everyone is addicted on internet but most of people cannot imagine their life without it, some people have also lovers in internet, something which makes them even more addicted on internet.

7. Greed
Wanting always more and more is also something not good, being greedy for everything might become into an addiction from which can never get rid of. Many people are greedy to have everything and they forget to stop wanting more ans start enjoying what they already got. Wanting to have more is always good as long as you stop it for a while and start enjoying the benefits of what you have arrived until now.

8. Work
Work hard and work harder, this is a quote which everyone has heard and has it on it's mind, but working all the time, thinking of work and only of work ruins people's life slowly. Many parents see their children once per month because of their work, parents are not present at their children parties, their birthday, their degree etc... Most of children which had these kind of people are stimulated to find their self more into bad addictions, sometimes crime. Working is always good as long as you give time for your family and friends, people who suffer more because of work are those who live in very rich countries where rules on work are strict or those who live in poor countries where have to work day and night in the way to survive.

9. Prejudging
Judging people based on their color, religion or nationality is also something common on now a days society, while those who are prejudged try to ignore it, the part who judges them gets more brutal and also gets increased in number everyday more. A reason of people who have prejudging thoughts are families where they where grown up, for hundred of years black people used to be slave of white, something which needed only 2 centuries to get solved. Many people suffer from prejudging on their work, school, street, hostel etc... 

10. Gossiping 
Many people like women or men cannot stop talking about others, they spend a lot of their time talking and talking about others as if all problems of this society have fell on their head. Gossiping is also a bad addiction, many try to stop talking about others without success, others, which are victims of gossipers usually do not give them importance and ignore same as words of gossipers also them. Gossiping may cause at people near of you the lost of respect and trust. 


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